A Person Could Learn How To Control Anyone


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The Golden Rule of Hypnosis

People spend most of their lives in trance

The objective of hypnosis is to hone people's attention, which is normally scattered or focused on something else, onto you or whatever you want them to notice

You can accomplish this in a variety of ways, e.g.

- Gestures
- Voice Tone
- Images
- Objects
- Hypnotic language patterns

Kevin Hogan

Covert Hypnosis

General Rules

One objective of conversational hypnosis is to implant, in the subjects mind, an idea which is consciously and deliberately conceived by you, but subconsciously perceived by the subject

People treat you the way you train them to treat you

Men go into trance faster and deeper than women

Unsatisfied curiosity creates a powerful trance state

Driving induces a natural trance state and is the perfect opportunity to implant suggestions



Eye Contact

Look at the other person

You can’t hypnotize (or, for that matter, seduce) people without looking at them

Pattern Interruptions

Pattern interruption is a technique whereby a familiar pattern, be that conversational, behavioral etc, is intentionally interrupted

This creates a state of confusion, the duratio of which depends on the nature of the pattern interrupt

For example, in the classic 'handshake interrupt' pattern, the confusion is momentary

In the case of a sudden life change, the confusion may be long-lasting

This confusion 'opens a window' for a hypnotic suggestion

Ambiguity is hypnotic

Performing for people

Performing for people is an excellent way to hypnotize them because you force them to focus their attention on you

The golden rule of hypnosis (or seduction, for that matter) is to focus peoples scattered attention, on you

Great performers, e.g. great actors are great hypnotists, after all

The art of theatricality is destroyed by trying too much

You must have self-control and seem to see yourself as others see you

Learn to hide the effort behind your performance

Create a rhythm with your voice and movements


When people pick up the phone they are in neutral trance and are open to suggestion

Talking on the phone is usually done in a trance state and that is why telephone sales can be effective

Signs of Trance

You can tell someone is going into trance by noticing:

Altered blinking patterns / fluttering eyelids

Flaccidity/ smoothening of facial muscles

Dilated pupils

Slower breathing

Eyes are fixed and begin to glaze, appearing 'dreamy'

The voice changes

They become more passive, more willing to follow your lead, less argumentative


Don’t try to change peoples minds – change their mood and their mind will follow

People are motivated by emotions, not thoughts

To get them to do something, therefore, you must stir their emotions

Appeal to people’s hearts, not their heads

To control someone, you must first build rapport with them

Without rapport, control is not possible

Without rapport, nothing is possible

With rapport, everything is possible

Let people talk freely and they will reveal everything about themselves: their thoughts, values, hopes, dreams, fears and secret wishes

Make people strive to build rapport with you – the more they are forced to work on that, the more they’ll value it and treasure it in the future

To build rapport, at some point you need to stop being nice

Pain binds people more than kindness and politeness

Rapport is built in increments: you build a little, back off, build a little, back off etc.


The 'down-side', the decline phase of a laugh is an excellent opportunity to implant a suggestion

How To Build Rapport

In order to lead someone you must first 'pace' them or in other words, build rapport with them

There are several ways to do this

1) 'Mirror' them (see corresponding post)

2) Use 'true-isms'

True-isms are easily verifiable facts, statements that are obviously true and generally accepted which are bound to create an accepting, agreeing mentality, a 'yes' mind-set in the other person

You will usually embed these in banal, casual conversation

Building Rapport with People You Meet For the First Time

Face them completely, not at an angle

Make friendly eye contact and keep it


Say “Hi!”

Match their mood and tone of voice, if only for a sentence or two

As conversation progresses, if you find yourself at a loss for words and have nothing to say, repeat their last few words or revert to the fool-proof conversation boosters

- occasion/location


-Where did you grow up?

This technique can fuel a conversation and keep it going

When meeting new people, present only positive things about yourself

Lean slightly towards them

Anything you say at first, no matter how mundane, is fine because it has very little to do with the other people’s perception of you

When asked where you are from or what you do, give some more information in order to keep the conversation going (the same goes when you introduce people to each other)

Don’t ask people what they do - it's impolite and base

Deliver news with appropriate sentiment


Stories are a great way to build wide rapport, because you expose people to a wide spectrum of your personality

Tell “isomorphic” stories i.e. stories that parallel the other persons situations and then are resolved in the way you want the person to behave



How To Embed Commands Without Using Language Patterns

Space the command from the rest of the sentence Use a hypnotic voice Use different intonation

Examples of Embedded Commands

To Make People Like You

“If you’re anything like me

To Make Someone Choose Something

"I don’t want you to make this choice until you are happy with what we are offering"

To Get People to Go Out With You

”he decided to go out…of his way…”

Making Suggestions

Suggestions are a more direct way, compared to embedded commands, to have someone do something specific; however, it is also a gentler, more indirect way of requesting something compared to giving a command (which always clashes with peoples ego)

The underlined phrases below precede the actual commands:

“I was wondering if you’d like to/ you could “

“Maybe you could

“Maybe you could / would like to

“We’ll have you “

“If you want/like you can…”

Making Suggestions

In contrast to embedded commands, which are designed to escape the conscious mind and attack the subconscious, suggestions are a more direct way of giving a command, and we actually use them all the time in everyday language

The idea is to avoid bruising the other person's ego and raising their defenses, by actually giving them a direct command, thus putting them in an inferior position

If you are in a position of authority they might do what you're telling them to, but they'll resent you for it and perhaps find a way to get back at you, either actively or passively, either in the short term or in the long run

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid giving commands to people but rather, making suggestions

For example we can say: "You might want to 'command'"

Or, "Would you like to 'command'"

“I was wondering if you’d like to/ you could 'command'"

“We’ll have you 'command'"

Or "Perhaps you'd like to 'command'"

“Maybe you could / would like to 'command'"

“If you want/like you can'command'

How To Make People Decide About Something

To make people decide on something, give them up to three choices

Give them a deadline


Appear to be confident in what you do - no one can tell the difference ('fake it til you make it')

Hypnotic Speech Patterns

Do not interrupt your words

Speak in short sentences connected with the word “and”

Make your speech musical and rhythmical

Create a rhythm by: rhythmic speech, gestures

Repetition, be it the repetition of embedded commands, the description of emotional states, etc is very hypnotic

Slowing your speech, for example, intensifies your impact, as does letting your voice become deeper and more resonant


Describe the state you want someone to experience

Use words like "satisfaction" etc, to create the states they symbolize

Tell stories that create the emotions you want the other person to feel


Gestures can be used hypnotically to subliminally and non-verbally influence other people.

To become closer to someone, you can e.g.

-join your thumb and index finger while thinking of the two of you

When you want to suggest a black-and-white, no-options situation, use a chopping gesture

When you want to suggest a range of options and possibilities, use smoother, flowing gestures

When mentioning a positive attribute (about someone else, not yourself), touch yourself e.g. on your chest

This will make the other person subconsciously link you with that attribute


When you want to get your listener to do what you say, or believe what you say, or experience something intensely, make your vocal pitch descend

At the end of a statement, make sure your pitch descends

Learn to sound sincere

Use your voice hypnotically

The words being unimportant but the melody carrying the true message

Do this by maintaining an inner sense of rhythm

The sound and emotions your words stir and above all rhythm must be more important than the meaning

General Hypnosis Rules

Nominalizations, or vague concepts that can be interpreted in various ways, are hypnotic

Techniques of inducing light hypnotic trances:

Tell them to “Relax...”

Describe pleasant, relaxed situations, e.g. a day at the beach

Perform for people – perform with our voice, your body, your whole being

-in a story “the clerk at the other 7-11 told me, ‘Its ok, you can take it’”

“Just imagine”

“Think about it…”

“Have you found…the state you want to induce”?

“Would it be fair to say…the idea/state you want to introduce”

“Just suppose…”

“What would happen if…”

To put people into trance:”relax”,”take it easy"

Hypnotic Lanuage Tips

Hypnotic language is most effective when it is delivered uninterrupted, as a stream of thoughts

For this reason you can avoid interrupting your sentences by connecting them with the following four 'connector-words': 'and', 'as', 'because', 'which means'

Using such words you can deliver an array of sentences without interrupting the flow of your speech

Hypnotic Language Patterns

Hypnotic Language patterns:

Say “Just imagine” to get someone to imagine something e.g. 'Just imagine how it would feel to drive that car'

Similarly for the phrase “Think about it…”

Similarly for “Just suppose…”

Say “Have you found…'the state you want to induce'”? - they may not have found what you're trying to make them see, but at least they'll have to think about it in order to answer!

“Would it be fair to say…the idea/state you want to introduce”

“What would happen if…”

To put people into trance:”relax”,”take it easy”

or: "I was wondering if you'd like to 'command'"

or: "It's OK not to 'command'" Bold

How To Get Someone to Do Something

1) Use the "Foot In the Door" technique

Get someone to agree to something small in order to then get something bigger

2) Use the word 'because' to justify your request

To obtain a favor, use the word 'because' to justify your request

For some reason, what follows the word 'because' justifies what precedes it to a large degree, even though there may not be a strictly logical relation between the former and the latter

For example you can say to the person in front of you at the checkout line at the supermarket “Could I please move ahead in line because I am in a hurry?”

3) Use embedded commands (see corresponding post)

4) Use suggestions

Time Distortion

Create future memories in the sense that you describe the future experience of having what you’re offering

Let's say we want a certain person to go to a party with us, but she doesn't want to come, saying she wants to go to sleep.

You might say something like this: "OK, if you don't want to go, I understand. But the party is really great. And if you go with us, you'll have the time of our life! And tomorrow, when you wake up, you'll still have these great feelings inside you and you'll look back at this moment saying to yourself: 'Going to this party was one of the best decisions of my life!' Come on, it'll be really fun".

Chances are really high that she'll go with you. I tested this many, many times on different occasions and it really works like magic.

Now, what do we need to make it work?

  1. We have to mentally and hypnotically take them forward in time.
  2. We have to give them a suggestion that they already experienced what we want them to do.
  3. We suggest that good (or bad) feelings are attached to it -- depending on the situation
  4. We have them mentally look back on now, thinking to them selves that taking this action was one of the best things they've done recently (or in their life...)

Foot-In-The-Door Technique

Get someone to say “yes” to a small point so they will later say “yes” to a bigger point


Hypnosis is a visual voyage

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis need not be deep to allow transformation

Train yourself to visualize the changes you wish to achieve

Deep hypnosis should be accompanied by a sense of security e.g. by imagining an angel holding your hand

The trick is to add some time in each day to allow a therapeutic trance with positive suggestions for change

These suggestions should be precise and address our problem thoroughly

They should be repeated often

Change requires perseverance

Always talk kindly to yourself

Don't put yourself down, neither to yourself nor to others

Never speak badly of yourself

Among other reasons, because other people treat you the way you treat yourself

Suggestions and affirmations to oneself should be repeated regularly

The basis of self-hypnosis is repetition, which can crowd out all negative brain programming

An old mindset will persist unless replaced by a new mindset

Your suggestions must be realistic
Self-hypnosis involves giving yourself specific suggestions in a relaxed state to be followed later in the alert state
The plan for the new self you are creating must be thorough and specific

Say nothing negative about yourself and accept nothing negative being said about you by other people

Talk to yourself in the present tense, not the future e.g. "I am masculine" or "I am becoming masculine" and not "I will become..."

We continuously go in and out of trance throughout the day to perform all daily activities


Affirmations are sentences you craft which describe the state you want to achieve. You will notice that they are in the present tense. Our subconscious, which these special phrases target, does not understand about the difference between now and later. It can manifest any state you desire instantly. If you place your desired outcome in the future, your powerful subconscious only...postpones your desired outcome for...a future time.

Affirmations are one type of self-hypnosis. The secret with crafting these sentences is:

a) make them positive

The subconscious does not deal with negatives. It understands onl
y positives. So if you say for example: 'I don't want to be shy', guess what your subconscious understands or 'hears' : Shy!

b) Make them in the present tense

As I mentioned earlier; or if they seem too ambitious, say: 'I am becoming XYZ', in the sense that you are on the path but not yet there

c) Repeat them often

That's the only way they can work; if you don't repeat them, their effect will fade. Repeat them in any way that is convenient to you e.g. by writing them down, pasting them on your bathroom mirror and reading them every morning while you shave.
Or record them and play them back to yourself while you are jogging or taking a shit.

Hypnotic Writing Techniques

In order to make the text you compose e.g. for an ad or a website, more compelling, you can try following these timeless rules that you see all the time in advertising, perhaps without even noticing them:

Write in superlatives e.g. say fantastic instead of good or OK

Use emotional language

State how what you are selling will benefit the other person

Try to create intimacy and let your personality show

Create excitement and curiosity

Anticipate concerns and answer them

Add testimonials as proof of the products worth


Active language is more involving

Make each line active and personal and alive

Use quotes

Make the text easy on the eye: use short paragraphs, bullets etc.

Create images

Tell a story about someone who did what you what your target to do

Anticipate the readers thoughts/objections and answer them

Ask open-ended questions

Make your target imagine/visualize your desired result

Gain Power

Appear to fit in with others

Mirror their belief system

Always be a source of pleasure

Be frugal with flattery

Never be the bearer of bad news

Rarely ask for favors

Never act towards your superior as a friend

Never hurt other peoples ego

Make them believe they are smarter than you

Then you can manipulate them as you wish

Try to see as far into the future as possible, as many steps forward as possible

Never succumb to emotion

Never cut yourself off from others because that makes you vulnerable

Mingle with others, build networks

Never trust anyone completely

Be indirect - Disguise your power lust

Never outshine the master – always make those above you feel superior

Never reveal your plans

Reveal other plans

Tell people what they want to hear

Blatant honesty will keep people from respecting and fearing you

Smoke Screens:

A blank face

The noble gesture

Powerful people inspire awe by saying less and vague words

Reputation is the cornerstone of power

Power is a game of appearances

Destroy opponents by blowing holes in their reputation

Maintain a reputation of your own creation

Never stray from it

Never appear desperate in your self-defense; always take the high road

Stand out

Create an air of mystery

Get others to do the work for you but take the credit – never do yourself what others can do for you

Make other people come to you – this gives you power

The aggressive person is seldom in full control -he cannot see more than a few moves ahead

Aim for long-term power and not short-term victory

Never argue, never lose your temper

Avoid the unhappy and unlucky

Make people dependent on you

Make people depend on you for their happiness and well-being

Never teach others enough so they can do without you

If you create no need for yourself, you will be done away with at the first opportunity

The ultimate power is to get people to do as you wish, without you forcing or threatening them – to do this, you must make them rely on you for their happiness

Power should not be mistaken for independence – power always depends on relating to other people and networking

Use selective honesty and generosity to lower your opponents guard

Reveal something personal but not of no particular importance about yourself

When asking someone for help appeal to their self-interest, not their mercy or pity

Crush your enemy

Use absence to increase respect

Never seem to be trying too hard

You have to make your accomplishments seem effortless

Know how to delegate

Always announce success

Play on peoples need to believe in something

Always be bold and confident

The bolder a lie, the better it works

Insecurity brings out the hunter in other people

It makes you vulnerable

Therefore, appear confident even if you're not - noone can tell the difference

Audacity draws attention and thus power

You have to know how to suck up to your boss

Praise your boss

Find out how your boss wants things done, and do them that way

Always bring a pen and notepad when going into a meeting with your boss

Never outshine the master

Do not contradict your boss in public

You may challenge him in private, though

When presenting a problem, always propose a solution

Demonstrate that you can make your proposals materialize

Make your e-mails to your boss short

Always laugh at your boss's jokes



How To Influence the Masses

Use catchy sound bites/catchphrases and repeat them often

Repetition is the basis of seduction

That's why we say 'out of sight, out of mind'

Anything we are repetitively exposed to grows on us

Advertisers know this and that's why simple repetitive exposure to a product works!

The product image may not register in the conscious mind but it is definitely perceived by the subconscious

How To Start A Cult

Dissociate members from their past:

Change the diet and sleep patterns of the members

Subject them to strenuous physical activity

Isolate them from the rest of the world

Change their identity by changing their clothing, appearance and name



Winning A Debate - Changing Beliefs

Attack the source of a persons belief

How To Spot a Liar

Liars grab on to a detail of your accusation and expand on that e.g. You: "Did you just barge in and steal that cookie?" Liar: "What do you mean 'barge', I never 'barge'!"

Liars avoid referring to themselves

Men lean toward you when lying, women lean away

Monday, March 31, 2014

5 Communication Patterns for Intimate Relationships w Women - Kevin Hogan

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